I’m pleased to announce the publication of my first book which contains many of these poems plus more .
It’s beautifully presented in hard back coffee table style
Thank you for reading this blog and purchasing the book if you do so
Ed Breathe
I’m pleased to announce the publication of my first book which contains many of these poems plus more .
It’s beautifully presented in hard back coffee table style
Thank you for reading this blog and purchasing the book if you do so
Ed Breathe
There are portals in the world
Black holes
Entrances and exits , to alien worlds
Some in the mind some in the flesh
Where souls pass
Doors unseen to be stumbled through ,
Mystical whirlpools that suck in
the unwary.
Some so powerful and huge they radiate to touch all of mankind.
The closer they are the more their power
Bending time, space and minds.
Blurring right and wrong
These portals walls are drenched in blood , guts and offal
They are the portals to hell,
don’t stand too close.
They masquerade as cradles of humanity
But they are graves for the unwary
And unwise
They are where black and white , fire and ice , right and wrong, wrestle a gargantuan struggle.
There is such a portal and it can’t be plugged, there is too much blood on it’s slippery sides , it flames too hot to get close , it’s right and it’s wrong blended by Him
Into infinite slaughter of no escape,.
The fourth dimension
Is it there ?
Perhaps a thin veil
Between now and then
a ghostly world
Running in tandem
I wonder
Can I break through
Is it listening?
Is it penetrating my mind
Is it guiding my thought
Will it reach out for me
Or do I break through
The other side
A dream world
Observing reality
Or is it reality
Observing the dream.
Will I awake?
Or am I awake?
Or am I asleep?
02/12/2023. 21:10-21:38
Time marks time
Time is lost
Time is spent
Time is saved
Time is in the mind
It never stops
Racing ahead like a tortoise
Slowing to the pace of a hare
The slow time of youthful Summers
The lightning time of old Winters
Time is of the making and breaking of man
Born of his need for control
To hold in his hand
It slips through fingers as the sands
The end or the beginning
Time run out with bell still ringing
For time has me in its grasp
Helpless, staring to the past
No time, has me in its grip
No time to lose
It’s time to choose
But one day will be time to go
To take my leave ,
My clock to stop
The ticking time bomb
That is our hearts
Wound up at birth and set to run
Pre set with a number of ticks followed by the pre set tocs.
Time for Time to knock
Father Time will look down
Hour glass in hand
A glint in his eye
The end ,or just the beginning?
The Milky Way
A path to where?
A billion stars at which to stare,
Or a billion eyes that blink at us
From deep deep space and clouds of dust.
A brush stroke in the starlit sky
A misty cloud of wonder why
Observed by all down steps of time
Light years away but somehow mine
It’s fingers stretch into the air
With just a glow in sky so fair
Between the milky cloudy light
Blackness shrouds the dead of night
Like men before and men to come
Transfixed by beauty of distant suns
I wonder if my mind is there
Unlocked for everyone to share.
17/08/2023. 16:05-16:25
Z S/hell/ter
Take me by the hand ,
lead me like a lamb that follows gleefully in the steps of the Ewe
Teach me your ways, cast me in your spell , steer my through the storm
Show me the stars, calm my heart, free my mind , free my soul
Wrap me in your eyes, breathe me in.
For I need shelter
From apocalypse around
From shuddering ground
I need armour of steel
I need seas to hold my tears
Prisons to hold my fears
Rivers to hold the blood
From my ruptured heart
Courage to see me through the darkest of nights
Filled with terror death and fright
Shelter from the putrid minds
That spread disease like a scum
Enveloping the babes in arms of the old, the young.
Shelter please, I beg , I’m praying now.
A light to guide me from the shadow.
Him and Him now slug it out
But He will win without a doubt.
And as for Him
He will always prevail
So Against Him we all must rail.
03/03/2022. 20:00-20:20
He comes again to me
Peering through my window
Penetrating my mind
Taking over my body
He was rarely there before
But now stands beside me
All the time, a steady constant
His cry is now loud
He used to whisper calmly in my ear
Guiding me gently
Across fields , down rivers
Over mountains
Delighting me with his magic
His wondrous conjuring tricks
Awaking nature from the dead
A young man, supply , agile
Powerful, kind , wise
But his screams now deafen me
His face shrunken and dry,
His legs and arms rotten
His lips pleading.
He’s barely breathing
Help me
I’ve been here a million years
Now I cry a million tears.
Legend of the forest
Keeper of the dawn
Guardian of the gate
The death of the Green Man
Will seal our fate.
23/09/2022 22:15-22:50
3 score and 10 takes us to the end of Autumn Clinging on to the the vestiges, waiting for the cold dark days to arrive of Winter A perio...